Is it Time to Find The Perfect Bicycle?

In the last couple of decades a major shift has been happening in transportation. More and more people are leaving the car behind in favor of the bicycle, in the west the car reigned supreme but we are now seeing a growth in popularity of the bike. This trend can be attributed to the idea of keeping things 'green' in a bid to take care of our planet. It doesn't hurt that gas is increasing in price either! The fact is there are plenty more cyclists on the road now than there were just a few years ago. Perhaps you have been giving some thought to getting a bike yourself? If this is the case it is important you know what to look for, the following tips will help you in your quest to find a suitable bike.

It goes without saying that choosing the correctly sized bike is of utmost importance. Begin by measuring your inseam. This is accomplished by measuring from your groin to your foot down the inside of your leg. You should be able to sit on your bike while keeping both feet flat on the ground. If you can do this you need not worry about stopping in an emergency if your brakes malfunction. You shouldn't keep the bicycle seat at the lowest setting, either. You always want to change the position of the seat so that it is a few inches higher than normal, so keep this in mind when picking your bike. Adjusting your seat up a few inches will give you more clearance between you and the crossbar of your bicycle, which can add quite a bit of comfort to your ride. The ideal seat height can be achieved, by ensuring that your leg is very close to completely extended, when your foot is at it's lowest position while on the pedal.

Don’t forget to buy your safety gear. Bicycles of then and bicycles of now are two completely different things. Not only do they look a lot better than they used to, they are also built better to provide greater protection. It is important that you never ride your bicycle without also wearing your helmet. This little thing can mean the difference between life and death.

You might also consider investing in elbow, knee, wrist and ankle guards—especially if you are going to be going “off road” on your bicycle. If you plan to use your bike as a sole means of transportation, buy yourself some pants clips. These things are little clips that clip the pants leg up so they don't get tangled in the chain or the gears. There are look what i found many different factors to take into account when finding the right bicycle. Do you want to ride your bicycle every day or do you see yourself only riding it once in a while? At what height do you feel the most comfortable? Would you rather have room between your feet and the ground or would you rather be able to touch the ground with your feet when you come to a stop? These are some of the things you need to consider when choosing your bike.

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